
Last night I got so fired of the fantastic windy sky and the moon whispering secrets to me here in my french little village so I pulled out my companion with a torch. I got reminded of my old photography-professor Obie Oberholzer from South Africa and decided to go out and shoot images in his style. I will never reach Obies caliber of humour or perfection in threating colours but I hope I might reach his level concerning life-spirit-haphazardism. Such crazy, vibrant, funny character is hard to find theese days.
Obie is probably South Africas most famous photographer, with 7 books published and a hugh amount of important work (customers as Condeneste, Stern and National Geographic) but he never had a webpage. Instead, searching his name on google I get up 707 matching sides. It just shows his greatness.
Right now I hope he is chilling out at his beach-house, walking his weimarans and giggle with his wife, but if I know him right his is out shooting the moon over a deserted hotel in Namibia with his 4-wheels drive as the only company.
I found a little personal article about Obie that portraits him so good. http://www.thewindow.co.za/karin/obie.htm
Well, I hope I meet Obie in a few years when we will pass by the Cape of good Hope on Morgane, and then I will ask him about the diamant-digger Wally Onetime once again.

One Comment

  • Reluctantly Zen

    The images made me ”gasp”. They took my breath away. BEAUTIFUL! I’m an amateur and trying very hard to continue to believe I can make art as beautiful as this.

    The colors were intense, the images haunting. Loved them.